Research on Space Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition

Xia Tian, Hou Chengyu, Shen Yiying


The space target recognition algorithm, which is based on the time series of radar cross section (RCS), is proposed in this paper to solve the problems of space target recognition in the active radar system. In the algorithm, EMD method is applied for the first time to extract the eigen of RCS time series. The normalized instantaneous frequencies of high-frequency intrinsic mode functions obtained by EMD are used as the eigen values for the recognition, and an effective target recognition criterion is established. The effectiveness and the stability of the algorithm are verified by both simulation data and real data. In addition, the algorithm could reduce the estimation bias of RCS caused by inaccurate evaluation, and it is of great significance in promoting the target recognition ability of narrow-band radar in practice.




time series of RCS; empirical mode decomposition; target recognition

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