A Novel Control Architecture for Mission Re-Planning of AUV

Rubo Zhang, Haibo Tong, Changting Shi


A hierarchical control architecture for mission re-planning of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) navigating in uncertain ocean environment is presented in this paper. The proposed component-oriented control architecture structured is made of three parts: situation reasoning, re-planning trigger and hierarchical re-planning layer. Situation reasoning using the unstructured real-word information obtained by sorts of sensor detectes and recognizes uncertain event.The re-planning trigger decides the re-planning level by the event types and influence degree. Hierarchical re-planning layer contains mission re-planning, task re-planning and behavior re-planning. Different re-planning level depends on the result of re-planning trigger. Preliminary versions of the architecture have been integrated and tested in a simulation environment. Experiment indicates that the novel control architecture can implement mission re-planning steady and safty.


DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/telkomnika.v12i6.5442

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