Three Decades of Development in DOA Estimation Technology

Zeeshan Ahmad, Iftikhar Ali


This paper presents a brief overview of narrowband direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms and techniques. A comprehensive study is carried out in this paper to investigate and evaluate the performance of variety of algorithms for DOA estimation.  Two categories of DOA estimation algorithms are considered for discussion which are Classical methods and Subspace based techniques. Classical methods include Sum-and-Delay method and Capon’s Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) while Subspace based techniques are multiple signal classification (MUSIC) and The Minimum Norm Technique. Also ESPIRIT technique is evaluated. Inefficiencies are pointed out and solutions are suggested to overcome these shortfalls. Simulation results shows that the MUSIC algorithm is able to better represent the DOAs of signals with more prominent peaks. The Min-Norm algorithm also identifies the DOAs of signals similar to the MUSIC algorithm, but produces spurious peaks at other locations. The MVDR method identifies the DOAs of signals, but the locations are not represented by sharp peaks, due to spectral leakage. The classical beamformer also produces several spurious peaks. MUSIC show higher accuracy and resolution than the other algorithms. It should be noted that MUSIC is more applicable because it can be used for different array geometries.


Narrowband DOA Estimation; Array Signal Processing; MUSIC; ESPRIT;

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