Kalman Filter Localization Algorithm Based on SDS-TWR Ranging

Liu Wei, Zou Jian, Wang Chunzhi, Xu Hui


Node localization is the basic mechanism for wireless sensor networks. Which location data is indispensable information in the monitoring of events.In this paper,we proposed a new algortithm which is the Kalman filter localization algorithm based on SDS-TWR ranging method in order to solve the problem of node localization.Firstly,we use SDS-TWR algorithm to rang distance between the archor nodes  and unknown node .Then, We sketchy calculate the unknown node coordinates using weighted maximum likelihood estimation(WMLE) method.Lastly, We use the Kalman filter algorithm to optimize the coordinates of the second step. The experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively improve the positioning accuracy of the system and achieve the desired objectives.


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/telkomnika.v11i3.2225

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